NOTE: These instructions apply only if you are using Wingate 2.X or another proxy-based program.
They do not apply if you are using ICS, Sygate, or any other NAT based sharing program or hardware router.
Wingate has a number of help pages on this topic. However, you need to select the correct one, depending on what version of AOL you are using and what version of Wingate you’re using.
If you’re using AOL 4.X
[Recommended]If you want to use a Wingate 2.X TCP mapping service, read this article. Follow the instructions to properly setup AOL.
Then follow the instructions below to set up the TCP mapping service in Wingate.If you’d rather use a Wingate 2.X Socks5 proxy, read this article. Follow the instructions to properly setup AOL.
You’ll need to add a SOCKS proxy service in Wingate, by using the Services > Add menu item. Be sure to Save the configuration.If you’re using Wingate 3.0 Home, or using Wingate 3.0 Standard or Pro and using the Wingate Client, things get trickier.
Try the information in this article or this article, but you’ll probably need to contact Wingate Tech support, because even I have a hard time following what they’re trying to say!
If you’re using AOL 3.X
- If you’re using Wingate 2.X, do the following (this is adapted from the Wingate Knowledge Base Article 1058):
Find the text file called TCP.CCL in the CCL folder of the shared Client (not the computer that is running Wingate).
This is usually located in c:\aol\ccl but use the Find utility if you can’t locate it. (If you are using a Mac, the file is called TCPack – in Online Files folder)This file contains a line:
NetConnect 1 5190 10
On each shared Client, change this to
NetConnect 1 5190 10
(NOTE: This assumes that the IP address of the computer that is running Wingate is If you have used a different IP address, enter it instead of follow the instructions below to set up the TCP mapping service in Wingate.
Here are more detailed instructions for setting up the AOL TCP mapping service:
Login to Gatekeeper.
Right-click on the “Service” icon in the right hand window panel and navigate to New->Service->TCP Mapping service
Make the following entries in the specified Tabs of the “TCP mapping service properties” dialog box:
General tab
Service Name – “AOL mapping”
Description – Leave as is or change if you want
Connections to service– check the box and enter “5190” for the port #
Default mapping – check the box and enter
“” (without quotes)
and enter 5190 for the Port number.Bindings tab
– Select the “Specify interfaces connections will be accepted on” radio button and double click on each of the interfaces in the “Available” box below the button. This will move them all to the “Bound” box.Interfaces tab
– Check that the “Connections will be made out on any interface” radio button is selected.Policies tab
– Check that the Right “users can access this service” is selected.
– Check that the “Default rights” (System policies) drop down box shows “may be used instead”.
– Check that there are no Recipients specified in the large middle box.Logging tab
– Select the “log these events” radio button.
– Select *at least* the following items:
* Session events: “Request details”, “Session traffic”
* Configuration events: “Configuration changes”, “Authorization changes”
Click “OK” to close the properties dialog box and go to the Gatekeeper menu bar and click on the Save icon or select File->Save from the menu
You should now have an “AOL mapping” service icon showing under the Services icon in gatekeeper and the service should be running, i.e. shouldn’t show an “X” icon.