Below is a simple conversion tool that allows you to convert Kilobytes (KB) to Gigabytes (GB).

Simply enter the Kilobytes (KB) value into the first field and press the “convert” button to convert to Gigabytes (GB).

How To Convert Kilobytes (KB) to Gigabytes (GB)

Below you will see how to convert KB to GB in both SI and base 2.

Kilobyte in SI
1 Kilobyte = 10001 bytes
We know that 1GB = 10003 bytes, so
1 byte = 1000-3 GB
putting 1 byte in kilobyte equation;
1 Kilobyte = 10001 * 1000-3 GB
1 Kilobyte = 1000-2 GB
1 Kilobyte = 0.000001 Gigabytes
Kilobyte in base 2
1 Kilobyte = 210 bytes
1 Kilobyte = 10241 bytes
1 byte = 1024-3 GB
1 Kilobyte = 10241 * 1024-3 GB
1 Kilobyte = 1024-2 GB
1 Kilobyte = 2-20 Gigabytes
1 Kilobyte = 0.00000095367432 Gigabytes

How Many Kilobytes in a Gigabyte?

In the decimal system, which is commonly used for data storage, 1 Gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1,000,000 Kilobytes (KB).

However, in the binary system, which is often used in computing, 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1,048,576 Kilobytes.

This discrepancy arises due to the different ways of defining a kilobyte (KB) and a gigabyte (GB) in the decimal and binary systems.

Definition of a Kilobyte (KB)

A kilobyte (KB) like a small digital box that can hold a certain amount of information. In most cases, it can hold about 1024 tiny pieces of information. These tiny pieces of information is called “bytes”.

1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes ( Kilobyte in SI and base 10 (decimal) )


1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes ( Kilobyte in base 2 (binary) )

But why 1024, you ask?

Well, computers use a binary system, which means everything is based on powers of 2, and 1024 is 2 raised to the power of 10.

Now, sometimes, especially when you’re dealing with internet speeds or hard drive sizes, people might say a kilobyte is 1000 bytes. That’s because it’s a bit simpler for us humans to think in terms of round numbers like 1000 instead of 1024.

Definition of a Gigabyte (GB)

A Gigabyte (GB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1,000 Megabytes (or 1,073,741,824 bytes in the binary system). It’s commonly used to measure storage capacity in devices like computers, smartphones, and flash drives. GB is frequently used to indicate the size of memory, a movie’s size, or computer RAM.

Kilobyte vs Gigabyte

103 bytes (base 10)109 bytes (base 10)
10001 bytes10003 bytes
1,000 bytes1,000,000,000 bytes
210 bytes (base 2)230 bytes (base 2)
1,024 bytes1,073,741,824 bytes
1,000 × 8 bits1,000,000,000 × 8 bits
8,000 bits8,000,000,000 bits

Difference Between Kilobytes and Gigabytes

A Gigabyte is greater than Kilobyte. In fact it is a Gigabyte is 1000000 times bigger than Kilobyte.

Unit NameKilobyte (KB)Gigabyte (GB)
Unit SymbolKBGB
Defined Value10^3 or 1000^1 Bytes10^9 or 1000^3 Bytes
Value in Bits8,0008,000,000,000
Value in Bytes1,0001,000,000,000

Kilobyte (KB) to Gigabyte (GB) Conversion Table

Kilobytes (KB)Gigabytes (GB) decimalGigabytes (GB) binary
1 KB0.000001 GB0.00000095367432 GB
5 KB5.0E-6 GB4.7683715820312E-6 GB
10 KB1.0E-5 GB9.5367431640625E-6 GB
15 KB1.5E-5 GB1.4305114746094E-5 GB
20 KB2.0E-5 GB1.9073486328125E-5 GB
25 KB2.5E-5 GB2.3841857910156E-5 GB
30 KB3.0E-5 GB2.8610229492188E-5 GB
35 KB3.5E-5 GB3.3378601074219E-5 GB
40 KB4.0E-5 GB3.814697265625E-5 GB
45 KB4.5E-5 GB4.2915344238281E-5 GB
50 KB5.0E-5 GB4.7683715820312E-5 GB
55 KB5.5E-5 GB5.2452087402344E-5 GB
60 KB6.0E-5 GB5.7220458984375E-5 GB
65 KB6.5E-5 GB6.1988830566406E-5 GB
70 KB7.0E-5 GB6.6757202148438E-5 GB
75 KB7.5E-5 GB7.1525573730469E-5 GB
80 KB8.0E-5 GB7.62939453125E-5 GB
85 KB8.5E-5 GB8.1062316894531E-5 GB
90 KB9.0E-5 GB8.5830688476562E-5 GB
95 KB9.5E-5 GB9.0599060058594E-5 GB
100 KB0.0001 GB9.5367431640625E-5 GB
105 KB0.000105 GB0.00010013580322266 GB
110 KB0.00011 GB0.00010490417480469 GB
115 KB0.000115 GB0.00010967254638672 GB
120 KB0.00012 GB0.00011444091796875 GB
125 KB0.000125 GB0.00011920928955078 GB
130 KB0.00013 GB0.00012397766113281 GB
135 KB0.000135 GB0.00012874603271484 GB
140 KB0.00014 GB0.00013351440429688 GB
145 KB0.000145 GB0.00013828277587891 GB
150 KB0.00015 GB0.00014305114746094 GB
155 KB0.000155 GB0.00014781951904297 GB
160 KB0.00016 GB0.000152587890625 GB
165 KB0.000165 GB0.00015735626220703 GB
170 KB0.00017 GB0.00016212463378906 GB
175 KB0.000175 GB0.00016689300537109 GB
180 KB0.00018 GB0.00017166137695312 GB
185 KB0.000185 GB0.00017642974853516 GB
190 KB0.00019 GB0.00018119812011719 GB
195 KB0.000195 GB0.00018596649169922 GB
200 KB0.0002 GB0.00019073486328125 GB
205 KB0.000205 GB0.00019550323486328 GB
210 KB0.00021 GB0.00020027160644531 GB
215 KB0.000215 GB0.00020503997802734 GB
220 KB0.00022 GB0.00020980834960938 GB
225 KB0.000225 GB0.00021457672119141 GB
230 KB0.00023 GB0.00021934509277344 GB
235 KB0.000235 GB0.00022411346435547 GB
240 KB0.00024 GB0.0002288818359375 GB
245 KB0.000245 GB0.00023365020751953 GB
250 KB0.00025 GB0.00023841857910156 GB
255 KB0.000255 GB0.00024318695068359 GB
260 KB0.00026 GB0.00024795532226562 GB
265 KB0.000265 GB0.00025272369384766 GB
270 KB0.00027 GB0.00025749206542969 GB
275 KB0.000275 GB0.00026226043701172 GB
280 KB0.00028 GB0.00026702880859375 GB
285 KB0.000285 GB0.00027179718017578 GB
290 KB0.00029 GB0.00027656555175781 GB
295 KB0.000295 GB0.00028133392333984 GB
300 KB0.0003 GB0.00028610229492188 GB
305 KB0.000305 GB0.00029087066650391 GB
310 KB0.00031 GB0.00029563903808594 GB
315 KB0.000315 GB0.00030040740966797 GB
320 KB0.00032 GB0.00030517578125 GB
325 KB0.000325 GB0.00030994415283203 GB
330 KB0.00033 GB0.00031471252441406 GB
335 KB0.000335 GB0.00031948089599609 GB
340 KB0.00034 GB0.00032424926757812 GB
345 KB0.000345 GB0.00032901763916016 GB
350 KB0.00035 GB0.00033378601074219 GB
355 KB0.000355 GB0.00033855438232422 GB
360 KB0.00036 GB0.00034332275390625 GB
365 KB0.000365 GB0.00034809112548828 GB
370 KB0.00037 GB0.00035285949707031 GB
375 KB0.000375 GB0.00035762786865234 GB
380 KB0.00038 GB0.00036239624023438 GB
385 KB0.000385 GB0.00036716461181641 GB
390 KB0.00039 GB0.00037193298339844 GB
395 KB0.000395 GB0.00037670135498047 GB
400 KB0.0004 GB0.0003814697265625 GB
405 KB0.000405 GB0.00038623809814453 GB
410 KB0.00041 GB0.00039100646972656 GB
415 KB0.000415 GB0.00039577484130859 GB
420 KB0.00042 GB0.00040054321289062 GB
425 KB0.000425 GB0.00040531158447266 GB
430 KB0.00043 GB0.00041007995605469 GB
435 KB0.000435 GB0.00041484832763672 GB
440 KB0.00044 GB0.00041961669921875 GB
445 KB0.000445 GB0.00042438507080078 GB
450 KB0.00045 GB0.00042915344238281 GB
455 KB0.000455 GB0.00043392181396484 GB
460 KB0.00046 GB0.00043869018554688 GB
465 KB0.000465 GB0.00044345855712891 GB
470 KB0.00047 GB0.00044822692871094 GB
475 KB0.000475 GB0.00045299530029297 GB
480 KB0.00048 GB0.000457763671875 GB
485 KB0.000485 GB0.00046253204345703 GB
490 KB0.00049 GB0.00046730041503906 GB
495 KB0.000495 GB0.00047206878662109 GB
500 KB0.0005 GB0.00047683715820312 GB