The most common default IP address for 3Com routers is

To get access to the 3Com router’s web interface, you will need the IP Address. Without this you will not be able to configure your 3Com router.

Check the section below of other IP address, in case the common default IP doesn’t work. Some models do not follow the default IP address, so it’s always best to check out the alternatives.

If you are connected to the network of your 3Com router, you can also look at the instructions on how to find out your IP address.

Other IP Addresses for 3Com Routers

Users have also found that the following IP addresses also work as default IP addresses for 3Com routers.

You will probably also need a username and password to get into the web interface. If you find your model in the list, there is a link to the default settings for that model.

Most 3Com routers use the same usernames and passwords by default, so you can also try the passwords on the Default 3Com password list.

Default IP address List for 3Com Routers

Model of RouterDefault IPPasswordNetmask
3CRWDR101B-75 (WL-552)
HomeConnect 3CRWE50194192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRTRV10075 (WL-534)
OfficeConnect 3CRWDR200A-75192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWE454A72192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWE51196192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWE52196192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWE554G72192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWE554G72TU192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWER100-75192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0
OfficeConnect 3CRWER200-75192.168.1.1admin255.255.255.0